
Conviértete en Solopreneur

Explora conmigo las estrategias que funcionan y aprende de mis errores para construir un negocio rentable con tecnología e IA. Juntos, haremos que tu talento te genere ingresos de manera inteligente.

Square for Restaurants: Best Free POS System in 2023

Are you starting a restaurant, coffee shop, or food truck concept? One of the most important decisions you need to make is what type of POS system you are going to use. This is the brain of your small business. In this Square for Restaurants review, I’ll look at its features, user experience, use cases, and more so you can decide if it’s the right POS system for your restaurant concept. What is Square for…

By Alex 8 Min Read

7 Best Shipping Software for Ecommerce of August 2023 (Top Picks)

Choosing the right shipping software is crucial for your online business. From getting the most discounted shipping rates to managing products across multiple e-commerce platforms, the best shipping software can help your eCommerce business scale fast and grow. In this guide, I ranked and reviewed the 7 best shipping software for eCommerce along with the top 3 options. What is the best eCommerce shipping software? Here are my top picks for the best shipping software…

By Alex 7 Min Read

7 Best Online Ordering System for Restaurants in January 2023

Choosing the right online ordering system for your restaurant is one of the most critical decisions for a restaurant owner. From ensuring it fully integrates with your POS (point of sale) to communicating with your logistics partner, the best online ordering system can help increase your restaurant revenue and decrease third-party app commissions. In this guide, I ranked and reviewed the 7 best online ordering systems for restaurants, along with my top 3 options, so…

By Alex 12 Min Read

How to install TikTok pixel on your website?

Having the TikTok Pixel installed on your website is a must as soon as you start or once you notice you do not have it installed. It is free and it can provide you with data that is very valuable to your business. What is a website pixel? A website pixel is a line of code that is inserted into your website. Collect data to help you record conversions from different websites like Facebook, TikTok,…

By Alex 9 Min Read

10+ Mejores Apps de Shopify en Enero 2023

Shopify es una de las mejores plataformas de ecommerce. Uno de los beneficios de Shopify es que tiene un app store para mejorar tu página web. Elegir los mejores apps de Shopify cuando estás construyendo tu tienda en línea es una de las decisiones más importantes. Estas aplicaciones están diseñadas para ayudarte a escalar tu negocio y simplificar tu operación. En este artículo listo los mejores apps de Shopify, con mis TOP 5 Picks para…

By Alex 15 Min Read

7+ Mejores Servicios de Web Hosting en Enero 2023 (Calificados y Rankeados)

Es importante saber elegir un buen servicio de hosting para tu blog o website. Esta es la fundación de tu negocio online y pueden haber varias opciones desde servicios de hosting dedicados, servicios de hosting compartido, en la nube (cloud hosting) o hosting especializados para Wordpress. El mejor servicio de hosting puede ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos. En este artículo listo los mejores servicios de hosting con una lista de mis favoritos. ¿Cuál es el…

By Alex 15 Min Read